
Quick fire round with Head Chef Roger

4th October 2023

We asked head chef, Roger Williams about his culinary influences, what he looks forward to most and what we can expect from the new bar menu in the pub.

What is your earliest childhood memory of food?

My grandma baking her apple pies I could finish a whole pie in one go. I have fond memories, how I do miss them.

So how did cooking and being a chef become a passion?

I started as most do in this trade, by washing up. I wanting to get more involved in cooking, so my head chef at the time had me assist on the cold section. I was then encouraged to go to college. I think this is a trade that you have to love, as there are hard times but there are also some really great times, and you get to meet people from all walks of life.

Who is your culinary hero?

I wouldn’t say I have a hero, but I have met some amazing chefs that have made a lasting impression. Wojciech Nawalka and Martin Blake are both amazing chefs that I have had the pleasure to work alongside at Bowood hotel.

Where do you find your inspiration – how do you go about creating your menus and dishes?

I find inspiration from the whole team here at The Three Horseshoes, and our regular guests, as I like everyone to feel part of The Three Horseshoes.

What produce are you excited about as we go into summer?

Fruit and vegetables from Daylesford Organic farm. Jez, head of the market garden, is always working hard and growing some amazing produce.

What is your favourite dish on the new menu?

I love our lamb loin and belly, mash, carrot purée and wild garlic. Coming from a Welsh sheep farming family, lamb has a special place on our menu!

What’s in your store cupboard – the three or four ingredients you could not live without?

Sugar, butter, eggs, flour. I love baking with my son.

What do you like to cook at home?

I don’t really cook too much at home as that’s my wife’s domain… it’s just easy bakes.

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